
class py2lispIDyOM.extract.ExperimentInfo(experiment_folder_path)[source]

An experiment object that contains all data in a single experiment.


experiment_folder_path (str) – the path to experiment log folder which you want to access.

Public Data Attributes:


Public Methods:



Get a dictionary of all melodies in the experiment with melody name as the key and all melody info as the value.

access_melodies([starting_index, ...])

Access specific melodies by index or melody names.



Return repr(self).


Return self==value.

Private Methods:


Get the list of cpitch (full cpitch distribution elements used in IDyOM)

access_melodies(starting_index=None, ending_index=None, melody_names=None)[source]

Access specific melodies by index or melody names. If all arguments are None, then the default is to access all melodies in the Experiment class

  • starting_index (int) – the index of the melody you want to start accessing

  • ending_index (int) – the index of the melody you want to end accessing

  • melody_names (list(str)) – list of meldoy names you want to access


a list of MelodyInfo class objects (selected melodies)

Return type:



Get a dictionary of all melodies in the experiment with melody name as the key and all melody info as the value.


a dictionary consisting of:

  • melody_name: the name of the melody

  • MelodyInfo: a MelodyInfo class containing all IDyOM output data of the melody

Return type:

typed dict -> {melody_name: MelodyInfo}