
This module implements some common functions that allow users to export certain (or all) IDyOM outputs to .mat or .csv format.

For more concrete examples on exporting data, please see the tutorial.

class py2lispIDyOM.export.Export(experiment_folder_path, idyom_output_keywords=None, melody_names=None)[source]

Export selected IDyOM model outputs to other formats.

  • experiment_folder_path (str) – the path to which you saved all the result data/plots

  • idyom_output_keywords (List[str]) – a list of IDyOM output keywords you want to export. To see a full list of valid idyom_output_keywords, use the method: extract.get_idyom_output_keyword_list()

  • melody_names (list(str)) – a list of melodies of which IDyOM outputs that you want to export


This function exports the IDyOM output data to a csv files. By default, this will export all properties of the chosen melodies, where each melody is in one csv file.

:return a csv file containing all IDyOM output data for each selected melody.


This function exports the IDyOM output data to mat files. By default, it will export the outputs according to the preset keywords specified in the idyom_output_keywords for all melodies. Users can also specify specific melody by passing the melody names to the melody_name param.

:return (a) mat file(s) containing the selected IDyOM output data