Data preprocessing - Exporting IDyOM output data to other formats

py2lispIDyOM provides methods to export certain (or all) properties of the IDyOM outputs of selected (or all) melodies in different formats (.mat and .csv).

This tutorial will cover how to export outputs using py2lispIDyOM, given that you already have the .dat file output. For an overview of the py2lispIDyOM functionality, see the README.

We will continue the sample example as in the 1_running_IDyOM_tutorial.ipynb, and extract some IDyOM outputs from that experiment, where the log folder is experiment_history/21-05-22_17.05.05/

# import Export from export module
import py2lispIDyOM as py2lispIDyOM
from py2lispIDyOM.export import Export

1. Export outputs to .mat formats

In this section, we will go over how to export the IDyOM outputs of melodies to .mat files using the export2mat() method.

1.1 Export selected outputs of selected melodies to .mat

In this example, we will export the melody_name, cpitch, and information.content of the two melodies named ‘“chord-001”’ and ‘“chor-002”’ in the experiment 21-05-22_17.05.05.

To check the available idyom_output_keywords, please see the 2a_data_preprocessing_extracting tutorial.

# define the parameters for the Export object
export_mat = Export(experiment_folder_path='experiment_history/21-05-22_17.05.05/',
                    idyom_output_keywords=['onset', 'cpitch', ''],
                    melody_names=['"chor-001"', '"chor-002"'])

# export to .mat by calling the `export2mat()` method
Exported data to experiment_history/21-05-22_17.05.05/outputs_in_mat/
Exported data to experiment_history/21-05-22_17.05.05/outputs_in_mat/

The output files are:

  • chor001_cpitch.mat

  • chor001_melody_name.mat

  • chor001_onset.mat

  • chor002_cpitch.mat

  • chor002_melody_name.mat

  • chor002_onset.mat

1.2 Export selected outputs of all melodies to .mat

To export selected outputs of all melodies, you don’t need to specify the melody_names. If not specified, the selected properties of all melodies data will be exported, by default.

Here, we will export information.content and entropy of all the melodies in the experiment 21-05-22_17.05.05.

# define the parameters for the Export object
export_mat = Export(experiment_folder_path='experiment_history/21-05-22_17.05.05/',
                    idyom_output_keywords=['','information.content', 'entropy'])

# export to .mat by calling the `export2mat()` method
Exported data to experiment_history/21-05-22_17.05.05/outputs_in_mat/

The output files are:

  • entropy.mat

  • information_content.mat

  • melody_name.mat

2. Export outputs to .csv formats

In this section, we will go over how to export IDyOM outputs of melodies to .csv files using the export2csv() method.

In the current py2lispIDyOM version, export2csv() only supports exporting all IDyoM outputs of selected or all melodies in the experiment.

The output will be a .csv file containing all IDyOM outputs for each melody.

2.1 Export outputs of selected melodies to .csv

In this example, we will export the IDyOM outputs of the two melodies named ‘“chord-005”’ and ‘“chor-006”’ in the experiment 21-05-22_17.05.05.

To check the available idyom_output_keywords, please see the 2a_data_preprocessing_extracting tutorial.

# define the parameters for the Export object
export_mat = Export(experiment_folder_path='experiment_history/21-05-22_17.05.05/',
                    melody_names=['"chor-005"', '"chor-006"'])

# export to .mat by calling the `export2mat()` method
Exported data to experiment_history/21-05-22_17.05.05/outputs_in_csv/

The output files are:

  • chor-005.csv

  • chor-006.csv

2.2 Export outputs of all melodies to .csv

To export outputs of all melodies, simply leave the melody_names argument as empty.

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